By Bayawanon
Paradigm shift is a change of vision regarding a certain happening or person as the time moves and rolls away. It is a change of view/s regarding how you see things as things progress or diminish since nothing is permanent in this world except change. If bad people decide to be good and do good things consistently and you still would not believe that they are changing for the better then you don't have a paradigm shift. If good people do bad things and would do such bad acts continuously and still you would consider them as good, then you don't have that paradigm shift instead you become a "FANATIC".
We need paradigm shift so as to give justice to those who would like to change for goodness's sake and we need the same to seek the truth as regards to those who turned their backs from their idealism. If the Catholic faith did not have that paradigm shift, then the likes of Augustine, Paul, Mary Magdalene, Longinus, David, Solomon, Moses would not have been saints, prophets and pillars of Christianity, instead they would have been hated by Christians perpetually because of their bad pasts.
We also need paradigm shift regarding our leaders, we need to discern more for us to discover who they really are for there are some politicians who are simply hiding in the sheep's clothes when they are actually big foxes who are waiting for the right time when to devour their defenseless victims who ironically idolize them. In connection to this, I am hoping that the Filipino people will be more discerning in choosing their leaders in the future elections to come, and if they feel like they have been wrong in choosing their leaders then they can have that PARADIGM SHIFT by not re-electing the same.
The people should have a wide latitude of discerning who are the good ones to lead our country, provinces, cities, municipalities, villages (barangays), and if they fail to chose the good ones by having observed that they were simply deceived by the ones that they have elected then it is the right time for them to change their views and vision against their former political idols by denying the same group of people who abused their trust and confidence comes election time.
If the bad leaders perceived by the populace as "good" before become politically insane to the extent of making decisions inimical to the situation of the country and its people, then it is high time for us to read the political theory of John Locke entitled THE SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY. The social contract theory provides that there is an inherent contract between the leader and the governed where the leader is obliged to be a good leader to his/her subjects, followers and/or constituents, if the leader becomes bad, brutish, humiliates the people, violates the right of the people, then it is high time for the people to stage a revolution to outlast their leader and change it with a just one, for indeed "salus populi est suprema lex" the welfare of the people is the supreme law.
Paradigm shift is a change of vision regarding a certain happening or person as the time moves and rolls away. It is a change of view/s regarding how you see things as things progress or diminish since nothing is permanent in this world except change. If bad people decide to be good and do good things consistently and you still would not believe that they are changing for the better then you don't have a paradigm shift. If good people do bad things and would do such bad acts continuously and still you would consider them as good, then you don't have that paradigm shift instead you become a "FANATIC".
We need paradigm shift so as to give justice to those who would like to change for goodness's sake and we need the same to seek the truth as regards to those who turned their backs from their idealism. If the Catholic faith did not have that paradigm shift, then the likes of Augustine, Paul, Mary Magdalene, Longinus, David, Solomon, Moses would not have been saints, prophets and pillars of Christianity, instead they would have been hated by Christians perpetually because of their bad pasts.
We also need paradigm shift regarding our leaders, we need to discern more for us to discover who they really are for there are some politicians who are simply hiding in the sheep's clothes when they are actually big foxes who are waiting for the right time when to devour their defenseless victims who ironically idolize them. In connection to this, I am hoping that the Filipino people will be more discerning in choosing their leaders in the future elections to come, and if they feel like they have been wrong in choosing their leaders then they can have that PARADIGM SHIFT by not re-electing the same.
The people should have a wide latitude of discerning who are the good ones to lead our country, provinces, cities, municipalities, villages (barangays), and if they fail to chose the good ones by having observed that they were simply deceived by the ones that they have elected then it is the right time for them to change their views and vision against their former political idols by denying the same group of people who abused their trust and confidence comes election time.
If the bad leaders perceived by the populace as "good" before become politically insane to the extent of making decisions inimical to the situation of the country and its people, then it is high time for us to read the political theory of John Locke entitled THE SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY. The social contract theory provides that there is an inherent contract between the leader and the governed where the leader is obliged to be a good leader to his/her subjects, followers and/or constituents, if the leader becomes bad, brutish, humiliates the people, violates the right of the people, then it is high time for the people to stage a revolution to outlast their leader and change it with a just one, for indeed "salus populi est suprema lex" the welfare of the people is the supreme law.