By Bayawanon
It seems like our country cannot attain a crime and the drug-free Philippines within the term of the current Philippine president for the reason that in many instances, the men in the police themselves were or are involved in criminality and drugs themselves. What is sad with this, is that plenty of the men and women of the police force were/are involved in the illegal activities are/were high ranking officials in the Philippine National Police.
Police Supt. Marvin Marcos was the team leader of the police force
which stormed the sub-provincial jail of Leyte to serve a questionable search warrant therein during dawn time, a very unholy hour to serve a search warrant and thereby exterminating then-Mayor Espinosa of Albuera, Leyte. Supt. Marcos was actually under the list of Kerwin Espinosa, the son of the late mayor, a drug lord himself to be one of his protectors.
Police Supt. Dumlao, one of the high-ranking operatives of the now-defunct AIDG or the Anti Illegal Drugs Group was found out to be the mastermind of the kidnapping/tokhang for ransom and murder of a South Korean national.
Police Supt. Lito Cabamongan, one of the big whigs of the Philippine National Crime Laboratory was caught flat-footed in a drug raid in a drug den and was tested positive by way of a drug test.
Police Supt. Nobleza was caught with her Abu Sayyaf boyfriend in Bohol for attempting to rescue an Abu Sayyaf fighter in the midst of the police and military offensives against the Abu Sayyaf in the said tourist island.
Just lately, a police station in Tondo, Manila was discovered by the Commission on Human Rights to have a secret cell in consonance with the illegal activities of the police officers therein in connection with extortion. The possible causes of those who were detained there may not be filed in court and they may be released immediately from police custody if the ones being detained from such a highly controversial station would pay money to the police officers of such police precinct.
With these developments, do you think the drug and crime problems of the country be solved by the president by way of his police forces when plenty of his police forces are highly questionable and are even involved in drugs and criminality?
In connection with these issues, if I may have the right to suggest, I propose that the ranks of the Philippine National Police be purged exhaustively for the same to function as a very effective arm of the force of the law.