
Thursday, October 18, 2018


Image result for selling votes

By Bayawanon

One of the prevalent bad characteristics of Filipino voters is their being FANATICS. Some if not most of them, vote for their POLITICAL IDOLS, even if many of them cannot deliver the things that are expected of them. Most of the Filipino voters vote for and in favor of personalities and not of issues, and the majority of the politicians whom they idolize come from the entertainment industry like the professional basketball players, movie actors/actresses, professional boxers, singers etc. whom we feel like nothing to offer with regard to public service.
Plenty of the Filipinos would vote for the officials who have sub-standard projects because according to them, these officials have innumerable projects, not knowing that the projects that were/are built by their idols were/are below sub-par since some of the money intended for such projects were actually pocketed by their icons
Some if not majority of the Filipino voters, vote for the so-called 'messiahs' who can probably save the Philippines from the abyss, who in turn can make the country worst from bad. They sometimes tend to vote for would be national leaders who have limited national experience, leaders who enjoyed local preponderance in their locality, whom they feel like good national managers sans national experience.
The limitations of national experience of their political idols would have been an issue in the campaign trail, but without hesitation, they vote for their icons because of too much idolatry or of too many promises, promises which can probably make dead people rise from their graves, which actually, in turn, make alive people bury for their graves.
The voters whom I discussed above usually rely on their gut-feel, that the would be leaders that they would be voting can deliver the basic goods and services that they are needing. The question now is this, how can an entertainer be an effective leader in a field that she/he has no training or has limited training? How can a leader of a locality be directly a good national leader when in fact he/she has limited if not bereft of national experience?
The people usually vote because of one's popularity and not of one's capability, and it is purely and simply called FANATICISM. If this trend would continue in the Philippine political setting, do you think the Philippines would go places and greater heights in terms of development? Does the Philippines need a long time to mature politically because of this trend? These questions can simply be answered by the political events that happen in the country in the past few years, and I hope that these queries can be answered in the affirmative.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Image result for selling votes
By Bayawanon

Majority of the Filipino voters do not like corruption in government, but they are fond of selling their votes. Most of the Filipino citizens would like change for the better be effected in the Philippines, but they welcome violent steps toward change like executing the undesirable citizens of the country without trial. These happenings are clearly, plainly and simply types of ambivalence, because the populace in this regard is contradicting themselves.
How can one phase out corruption if he/she is the very first who sells his/her vote? Can you expect a politician who has bought votes and wins an election to be incorruptible? How can a politician get back the capital that he has invested in the elections if he/she won't adventure in corruption? In view of this, a corrupt free society would just be a dream if the people would continue their political ambivalence by always contradicting themselves, and that is selling their votes with the hope that the ones that would win the elections would not try to siphon the coffers of the government.
How can one dream of a new society? How can one realize a society of change, when she/he supports violence in effecting change? This fact is also an ambivalence on the part of the voters themselves since violence is a way of destroying a society and not a step towards effecting change.
If these trends that are being mentioned above continue to exist, what do you think? Will there be a better future for the Filipinos? Will there be a great leap for us Filipinos towards a better tomorrow when we ourselves are our own enemies towards a brighter future?

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Image result for cALIDA AND TRILLANES

By Bayawanon
In a televised interview, Secretary Delfin Lorenzana of the Department of National Defense had recognized the arrival of Solicitor General Jose Calida in his office. Secretary Delfin Lorenzana would further recognize the fact that Solicitor General Jose Calida would ask his office to produce the amnesty records of the then Philippine Navy Lt. Sr. Grade and now Philippine Senator Antonio F. Trillanes IV.
After Sol Gen Calida's appearance at the National Defense Headquarters, the amnesty records of Trillanes are nowhere to be found, and a Presidential Proclamation revoking Trillanes's amnesty was issued by President Rodrigo R. Duterte on the ground that Senator Trillanes has not filed an application for amnesty, thereby making the amnesty of Trillanes void ab initio.
Because of the facts being alluded above, Senator Antonio Trillanes IV alleged that Sol. Gen. Jose Calida had stolen his amnesty records, purposely lost it. made it appear that Trillanes never applied for amnesty and made steps that Trillanes's amnesty is revoked.
Such a conduct of the Solicitor General was a conduct unbecoming of a gentleman, government official, member of the bar and officer of the Court if the accusation of Trillanes that the good Solicitor General had stolen his amnesty records is true. Assuming arguendo, that Solicitor General Jose Calida had stolen the amnesty records of Senator Trillanes, such act of Sol. Gen. Calida must be frowned upon for it gives dishonor to the Philippine Bar, in connection to this he must be checked and must be disciplined, since as a member of the bar he is an officer of the court and of the community, but he gives dishonor to the community where he belongs and the Philippine Bar also.
In a litany of disbarment cases, the Philippine Supreme Court had enumerated the grounds for disbarment, and two of the grounds for disbarment had been committed by Sol. Gen Calida which are inter alia: 1) Deceit; and 2) Violation of the Lawyer's oath.
It is very clear that Sol. Gen. Jose Calida had employed deceit by barging on the Defense Chief's Office and have the amnesty records of Trillanes perused, lost the same and used its loss in the revocation of Trillanes's amnesty, the same act is also a violation of the Lawyer's Oath which provides that a lawyer shall not employ falsehood in filing cases in court and shall not file cases in court coupled with malice. By virtue of the foregoing premises, I believe and I can safely say, that Sol. Gen. Jose Calida is DISBARRABLE.