
The extensive building of islands by China at the Paracels and the Spratlys and its act of owning the whole West Philippine Sea, nee South China Sea, by way of its Nine-Dash Line theory as grounds for her territorial claims, are reminiscent of the Japanese aggression over Manchuria that happened in the late 1930's which started the Second Global war in the Asia-Pacific Region. The military offensives of Russia against Georgia and Ukraine to reintegrate them to the former Socialist Republic is gaining ground. As a matter of fact, Southern Ossetia, which is a part of Georgia, and Crimea, a part of Ukraine, already formed a section of modern territories in Russia as its Autonomous Regions, as a result of Russia's successful military offensives against the said less-militarily equipped states. These present military and geopolitical happenings in Eastern Europe are also evocative of the " blitzkrieg " of Adolf Hitler by Germany’s aggression over Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia which occurred in the late 1930's that torched the Second World War in Europe.
On December 7, 1941, when an American Military Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was bombed by the Japanese Imperial Air Force, thereby killing more than two thousand (2,000) American military servicemen, officially conceived the greatest war, the Second World War. America then, under the leadership of a great leader, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had imposed a democratic and diplomatic strategy of appeasement to bargain peace but to no avail. That notable moment of history can happen again on the grounds of China’s engendered threats to protect every inch of their so-called territory, may consequently pulverized Philippines if the latter continues its territorial claims against the former. For China, the Philippine's move at the United Nations Arbitral Court of the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) to invalidate its Nine-Dash Line claim exemplifies an establishment of ownership.
Under the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty of USA and Philippines, each country has the right to defend each other if anyone of them is attacked by a foreign aggressor. If China will cast the die of its military offensive against the Philippines, the United States would then probably comply to fight in favor and defend the Philippines being its traditional ally and to protect its interest in the South China Sea that serves as a passage of Western Pacific and Indian Ocean and a strategic core of a large scale economic trade. If this happens, a Third World War would be imminent since Russia, a traditional international geo-political rival of the United States of America and North Korea, a communist country, with no hesitation would unite with China in their quest to defeat the USA and its allies. On the other hand, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization member countries and the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization member countries would inevitably join the forces of the Philippines and the United States. On that account, the possibility of a Third World War can be seen on the horizon.
the Evil Empire: religion, armies, monarchies and politicians...are the causers of all wars...while monarchs, politicians and of all religions pontifex in their golden palaces were eating partridges... AROUND THE WORLD EVERYBODY must to say...to the next war that going at trenches: pontifices, monarchs and politicians...and fight between them, then rapidly already NO MORE WARS OF AGGRESSION, and so do not will have neither justified wars of defense.
(1)...interstellar travel (aliens in Moon?)...are there aliens in Moon´s occult face?, perhaps they could be go to/come from faraway in straight line beyond occult face, for not to be detected from Earth... It´s something strange that NASA cancelled the 2 last Apollo missions when they were in all prepared for launch to Moon... Why astronauts when came back from Moon they were stay silent so?. Why NASA has not went again to Moon from ½ century ago?...economic reasons?...or, the Evil Empire: religion, armies, monarchies and politicians...are the causers too, besides of wars, besides control of all global media (thousands million of "believers": bribed, or innocents, or ignorant...when aliens will come to Earth: goodbye religion and all its lies...for that reason there are religious piteous, intimidating to ignorant, TV programs and movies presenting supposed aliens "grey", "reptilian", etc, as our "enemies", if religious would not so damaging; be careful, religious go saying in "their" global media that "3th World War has already begun"...because Humankind escapes from them and go to Future; they would give a pity)...
...3D Bioprinting-Immortality... ((sugar cotton fibers produced by centrifuge machines are even finer...capillaries are between 2 tenth and 1 hundredth of a millimeter in diameter...perhaps... Could be used these machines adapted as "biocentrifuges" to make capillary micro-tubes with a biodegradable and binder yarn of sugar inside coated with endothelial cells?))...
Meanwhile the World looks to elsewhere... Giant HORNETS...are threatening to all Humankind...it is necessary that the human beings, instead of destroy among them, destroy to those dangerous insects of huge exponential growing...seriously beginning already, at present.
...3D Bioprinting-Immortality (biological timers)... Forever young with modified Biological Timers...which are the biological timers?, where are them? (genes, hypothalamus...), how functioning them?, how can modify them (telomerase...) for maintenance the hormones production, enzymes, cellular regeneration...all Eternity at same level of the 18 years old?... Have to accelerate Research about Memory and the Space´s Colonization... Immortality comes...
Nobel Prize physiology 2017 about circadian rhythms, but... Biological Timers...ordering stop growth at finish of adolescence...ordering start to grow-old al beginning of adulthood...
...interstellar travel constant acceleration (immortals new body)... 3D Bioprinting...the technology used to print documents is also being utilized to create living tissue, in a not too distant future to "print", overlapping layer upon layer, whole organs such as a heart, a liver, a kidney, and one day a whole body. In the beginning the basic technique was exactly the same as using a normal inkjet printer, when printing a document (or image) inks of different colors are distributed on the paper in a specific pattern. It all started in this way: at Clemson University (years ago) have replaced printer inks for some "ink cells" alive. The ink cartridges were refilled with some cell solutions and software was rescheduled. The "paper" is a biodegradable gel, designed at the University of Washington, which solidifies to reach 32 ºC of temperature. Still need it much? for to be a reality with great performances. The main problem is that it is still unable to create an organ which circulates the blood, but it can print a tissue with thickness of a kidney in just 2 hours. The next step is to print the tiniest (capillaries) parts of an organ, just those that make it work (plasma with O2 and nutrients towards...↔▓↔...and CO2 which go into from...). If this is achieved would be very near the Eternity for human being.
...interstellar travel constant acceleration (without religion "feasts": Inquisition)... when until goes to continue the world the "feasts" of religion enduring?... What a beautiful is the "Christ"mas!, but...that still only has the splendid showcase and after with the back-room of religious gloomy darkness, horror and crime. No more wiles to innocents, make already the authentic Birthmas, the Nativity from the wonderful real women, and not from the inhuman-religious tales. Have to transform already ALL the "feasts" of religion into TRUE HUMAN FESTIVITIES, that not "pagans", nor do "mundane". Have that send already once and for all the religion, what religion, mine, yours, or of those?, all religions: the religion...to the trash (finished religion´s Wars, the unique Immortality it is coming from We self: Technological Immortality). Without delinquency, a New World based on Truth and Justice: 1 only United Planet without Nations, without Wars and without Frontiers (only cities), with 1 only World Government and 1 only Idiom... No more religion for to continue "forever and ever" the religious infecting global media, enterprises (watch cross seeming feign "4 windows" in Windos10), governments, schools, high schools and universities with their ancestral system buys-wills, "if you want have a job, house and a car on the door, already you know put the neck in the priests", with their thousands of millions of "believers": Bought, or Innocents, or Ignorant... No more religious tale time counting false "century XXI, year 2019 a.c."... A Planetary Convention to select the True Starting of the Time Counting... if from beginning of the Bronze Ages year 0, year -12500 begin Mathematics: some straight lines representing each one the number 1... on the Earth Planet, century 66... Merry Birthmas and Happy New Year 6519.
(...Time Counting... if from beginning of the Bronze Ages year 0, year -10500 begin Mathematics: some straight lines representing each one the number 1)
...interstellar travel constant acceleration (no religion, Earth flag)... 1 only United Planet without nations, without wars and without frontiers (cities only)...with 1 only World Government, 1 only Idiom, 1 only Army, 1 only Anthem and 1 only Flag... The Future is for the Globalist, the patriots only have past, patriots are guilties for 200 million dead in 2 World Wars, out politicians miserable "patriots" who leave innocents babys without diapers.
Earth flag◙◙: 2 tangent circumferences, on the right: Europe, Africa, America...on the left: Asia, Oceania; continents at brown, seas at light iridescent blue, against the dark blue background of the Universe with white stars.
Today there is not any offing, llorando lágrimas amargas por esa Chiquitita de México que no volverá a cantar nunca más, la callaron para siempre del modo más inhumano los cobardes feminicidas "machistas", en realidad esos cobardes asesinos, que aunque tienen fuerza de hombres no son hombres, son homovicios (solo los homovicios odian a las mujeres, libro homovicio "La última mujer de Austrl-", los homovicios quieren dejar el mundo sin mujeres para "sustituírlas", malditos homovicios sucios repugnantes estériles enfermos equivocados). Hipócritas políticos contínuamente haciendo concentraciones de condena a los cobardes feminicidios perpetrados por homovicios, esa "condena" NO SIRVE PARA NADA, como se puede ver, lo único que sirve es el Miedo a la Pena de Muerte, y todo lo demás son cuentos. Los políticos, guiados por religión, prefieren que asesinen a mil millones de mujeres antes qye convocar un Referendum y que sea el Pueblo quien decida aplicar a los feminicidas, una apisonadora de obras públicas empezando por los piés, y se acabaron los cobardes feminicidios cometidos por los homovicios malditos religiosos
...interstellar travel constant acceleration (Katherine Johnson "the girl" math genius)... space program must to say clearly: Katherine Johnson...Honor and Glory Eternals... Already must have in the Universe one star called Katherine Johnson.
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