
Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Friday's Crucial Elections: Vote Buying Gets Dirty—Anti-Corruption Agency, GII Worried

By Bayawanon

Vote selling is rampant during election time in the Philippines, the majority of the voters sell their votes and at the same time expect that the politicians who bought their votes would serve them to the best of their ability even if they were already paid by the latter.
Issues are no longer important in the campaign, political platforms are not already important to them, political resume's of some good candidates won't matter to them, because to the voters, what is important is the money that they would receive from the candidates.
What is sad with this reality is this, in a small amount of money that a candidate has given the voters, the populace would suffer for a long time. The winners in an election would get back the investments that they have released during the election by way of siphoning the coffers of the Barangay, Municipality, City, Province or Country as the case may be.
This practice of the voting public keeps on happening every election and still, the people cannot learn from their lessons. They keep on complaining why the government services are so slow and that development is turtle-paced when they have contributed to such a scenario.
When can the Filipinos learn from their mistakes? Have they not noticed that as they become poorer and poorer the pockets of their elected officials are becoming bigger and bigger? Will political renaissance happen in the Philippines or will it remain a dream?
With the problem like vote selling in the Philippines, I still hope that the people would soon be awakened from the political slumber that they are in and that in their rise from such political sleep, they would start a better future by becoming more decisive, because their decisiveness in choosing good leaders could be a great leap for them to have a better and greater future.

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